About Us
AR Reclaim Rubber Industries is a subsidiary of Anwer Rashid Industries (Pvt.) Ltd., located near Lahore, Pakistan. The mother company, commonly known as ARI, is involved in the production of flaps, wheelbarrows, bicycle and motorcycle tyres and tubes (www.anwerrashid.com).
AR Reclaim Rubber was founded in 2019, citing the continuously increasing, global and local demand for Reclaimed Rubber and the readily available, local, high quality raw material. AR Reclaim Rubber has a per annum installed capacity to produce 4500 MT of Whole Tyre Reclaimed Rubber, 7000 MT of Butyl Reclaimed Rubber and 500 MT of Natural Reclaimed Rubber. The manufacturing facility is spread across an area of 350,000 square feet.

AR Reclaim Rubber Industries serves the following industries in Pakistan: Tyre, Tube, V-Belt, Conveyor Belt and Auto Parts. AR also exports to markets in Asia and the EU.
To ensure the production of high-quality Reclaimed Rubber, AR constantly monitors their entire process parameters to ensure that they conform to the requirements of the customer. The company is the only ISO-9001:2015 and REACH certified company in the Pakistan Reclaim Rubber sector. It has a state-of-the-art on-site laboratory facility with testing conducted on each batch as per ASTM standards before being dispatched to the customer.